Thursday 25 June 2009

Moslem fashion

Trends bright colors that dominated the spring does not only apply to the contemporary fashion. The designer clothes are the brave Muslim mengeksplorasinya.

See collections that are presented in the latest designer clothing in Muslim Indonesia national stage mode. Mode, shape, and color that are more variatif. Therefore, not surprising Indonesia have been used as the barometer mode clothing Muslims. The collection presents not only in accordance with Islamic rules, and adapt the design of the modern trends of the present tune. This is clearly visible from the whim of the color that the designer is presented. Consistent with the trends of spring on the cheerful colors, designer clothes Indonesian Muslims are present in the collection of light palette. Stage large cities such as Bandung and Jakarta to witness how the designer clothes are no longer Muslim Indonesia glued only on the religious principle, also began to adapt in a flexible consumer needs.

Moreover, they now serve packaging design in a more simple, practical, and, of course, contemporary style. Ramli, for example. Senior designer who now also use this clothing to give Muslims a different alternative. In the hands, clothing is no longer a Muslim tunik, gamis, or abaya. He merevolusi traditional Indonesian clothing into derivative wearable clothing while the Muslims still have a touch of ethnic thick.

Ramli said, muslimnya fashion collection is still mengusung theme East Meets West. "Basically, I am the typical fashion with the attributes of Western Indonesia," Ramli call. According to him, this year's fashion trends have orientation on the whim of full color designs. It also makes friendly designers are also not feminine design provides a rich and colorful flowers such as fresh red, yellow, and green light.

Besides Ramli, contemporary fashion designers that also provide a new color in the fashion world is Muslim, Indonesia Chossy Latu. To muslimnya clothing collection, select the collection Chossy full color. According to him, are presented for the design of modern Muslim spirited young.

"Muslimah at this time has a different style berbusana. They have many activities that require them to appear practical, dynamic, but still chic, "a Chossy. Therefore, not surprising collection Chossy present so colorful. Yellow cohesive black, fuschia disandingkan with orange, green converge indigo is not the usual found. However, Chossy successful in menyajikannya packaging simple, young, and dynamic.

Uniquely, the collection is not only intended for the Muslim berjilbab. Those who do not use the jilbab can use it. The design is elegant, but far from the effect of the complex also makes it easier to introduce design in formal occasions.

From Bandung, Fenny Musafa to give a new breath. Muslim fashion house owner was apparently understand that the light colors have the power to show the form of clothing. Tinge tropical colors strong, making the collection Fenny looks attractive.

While for color selection, Fenny presenting color options. Not only colors that dominate the light, the soft colors and elegant, the withdrawal brown, beige, green and toska. "I choose this color because it is included in the 2008 color trends," he said. This certainly is a change that is far enough, considering that many collections Shafira use one tone

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